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作者:晓皎 链接:https://www.zhihu.com/question/309005617/answer/629600967 来源:知乎 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。


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Configuring Email clients can be a frustrating task due to the sheer number of different server settings that need to be properly entered in order for it to work properly and the variety of choices in desktop mail clients. Fortunately, this guide is written specifically for configuring UMass Amherst Exchange mail and calendaring for Thunderbird, an open source desktop mail client that is compatible with most Windows, OS X, and Linux distributions. For your convenience, the instructions and screenshots in this guide should exactly match what you see on your screen.

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Thunderbird is a portable mail application from Mozilla. It's available for Windows, Macintoshes and Linux systems and can be freely downloaded and installed.

Office 365 is a business software productivity service from Microsoft. Cardiff University has subscribed to Office 365 for its staff and student email and calendar service.

The University's IT Service recommends that users access Office 365 through a web browser (Outlook Web App) or through the latest Microsoft Outlook application program on Windows or Macintoshes.

But you can instead use Thunderbird for both mail and calendar access to Office 365. This Note tells you how to configure and use Thunderbird with Office 365.

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使用ipset让openwrt上的shadowsocks更智能的重定向流量 https://hong.im/2014/07/08/use-ipset-with-shadowsocks-on-openwrt/

By Hong Zhang On 2014-07-08 10:34:31 Tags: #ipset #openwrt #shadowsocks



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准备搞一台 PC 作为 NAS, 开启 SAMBA 作为文件服务器。考虑多个手机自动备份到不同的文件夹,可以通过盒子进行播放,还要密码防护。 所以在配置文件里面 valid users 这里把 手机和盒子都添加进去,然后 放到一个用户组里面, 相应的文件夹对于用户组 开 rwx 权限,便于手机同步写入。

参考 Samba Share Password Refused https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/8249ad4c-69aa-41ba-8863-8ecd7a7a4d27/samba-share-password-refused

新版的 samba 默认不使用 NTLM V1了。有两种办法,一种是 只使用 NTLM V2,还有一种使用 NTLM V1 使用NTLM V2的时候,可以在 windows 里面, secpol.msc 打开本地安全策略,LAN 管理器,选择只使用 NTLM V2,拒绝LM, NTLM。samba 服务器端开启 client NTLMv2 auth = yes 使用NTLM V1的时候,需要选择 如果已协商,使用。。。, 但是在 samba 服务器端需要开启 ntlm auth = yes。