标签 Thunderbird 下的文章

转自: https://blog.csdn.net/u010649766/article/details/78567629

Ubuntu 下使用 Thunderbird 做邮件客户端,因为实在是找不到类似 Foxmail 一样的软件了。 幸好,Ubuntu 自带这款软件,但是用起来有个问题就是只能接受邮件不能发送邮件。

工具 => 附加组件 => 搜索 “exchange” 安装 “ExQuilla” 工具 => 启动”ExQuilla for Microsoft Exchange” => “Add Microsoft Exchange account” 填写邮箱地址和密码, 其他默认, 然后下一步 直接点 “do auto discover”, 出现两个绿色的小原点就代表一切 OK, 然后下一步 欧了…… 从头到尾只需要填写邮箱和密码即可,其他默认


Configuring Email clients can be a frustrating task due to the sheer number of different server settings that need to be properly entered in order for it to work properly and the variety of choices in desktop mail clients. Fortunately, this guide is written specifically for configuring UMass Amherst Exchange mail and calendaring for Thunderbird, an open source desktop mail client that is compatible with most Windows, OS X, and Linux distributions. For your convenience, the instructions and screenshots in this guide should exactly match what you see on your screen.

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Thunderbird is a portable mail application from Mozilla. It's available for Windows, Macintoshes and Linux systems and can be freely downloaded and installed.

Office 365 is a business software productivity service from Microsoft. Cardiff University has subscribed to Office 365 for its staff and student email and calendar service.

The University's IT Service recommends that users access Office 365 through a web browser (Outlook Web App) or through the latest Microsoft Outlook application program on Windows or Macintoshes.

But you can instead use Thunderbird for both mail and calendar access to Office 365. This Note tells you how to configure and use Thunderbird with Office 365.

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