标签 Router 下的文章

最近在搞 netgear 上面的 openvpn. 路由器上面设置比较简单, 开通 DDNS, 然后开启 openvpn 就可以了. win 和 android 的软件需要到 netgear 的官网上面下载就可以. 但是碰到一个坑爹的事情, 官网的教程 win 版本是没有问题的, android 版本是有问题的, 卡了我好多天, 才搞定.

android 的版本其实和 win 版本一样是4个文件, 直接解压就可以工作了, 不要像教程里面那样, 手动合称一个文件, 那样反而有问题.

没有问题的教程链接: win: https://kb.netgear.com/23854/How-do-I-use-the-VPN-service-on-my-Nighthawk-router-with-my-Windows-client android: https://kb.netgear.com/29783/How-do-I-use-VPN-service-on-my-Nighthawk-router-with-my-Android-device How do I use VPN service on my Nighthawk router with my Android device?

有问题的教程链接: android: http://club.ntgrchina.cn/Knowledgebase/Document_detail.aspx?Did=1198 如何在Android设备上使用夜鹰路由器的VPN服务

转自: http://www.myxzy.com/post-337.html

ZXA10 F460中兴光猫(E8-C),在第一次安装的时候,超级管理员帐号:telecomadmin 密码:nE7jA%5m 这个是默认的,由安装人员设置好相关设置后,会自动下载配置,这个时候这个超级管理员密码会被修改,修改为telecomadminXXXXXXXX(8个X是8位数字,每个用户是不同的)这种格式。因为很多设置需要在超级管理员下才能设置,所以破解这个超级管理员密码是非常必要的。

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转自: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/Wake-On-Lan-with-R7000/td-p/379989

Hi Riker.

Now that I've confirmed that the removal of my solution was a moderation, I'll try repeating it from memory (I was actually using this thread, bookmarked, to remember how to do it).

Download TelnetEnable from here: https://github.com/LuKePicci/NetgearTelnetEnable/blob/master/binaries/windows/telnetenable.exe?raw=t... Open a DoS/Command Prompt on a PC directly connected to the same LAN and type 'telnetenable.exe admin ' Telnet to the router Type 'arp -i br0 -s x.x.x.x mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm' where x.x.x.x is the WoL destination IP address (not .255) and mm... is the WoL destination's MAC address You should then have a static ARP entry in your router. Set up forwarding of port 9/UDP to your device you want to wake and it should work.

  • Dave