转自: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/Wake-On-Lan-with-R7000/td-p/379989

Hi Riker.

Now that I've confirmed that the removal of my solution was a moderation, I'll try repeating it from memory (I was actually using this thread, bookmarked, to remember how to do it).

Download TelnetEnable from here: https://github.com/LuKePicci/NetgearTelnetEnable/blob/master/binaries/windows/telnetenable.exe?raw=t... Open a DoS/Command Prompt on a PC directly connected to the same LAN and type 'telnetenable.exe admin ' Telnet to the router Type 'arp -i br0 -s x.x.x.x mm:mm:mm:mm:mm:mm' where x.x.x.x is the WoL destination IP address (not .255) and mm... is the WoL destination's MAC address You should then have a static ARP entry in your router. Set up forwarding of port 9/UDP to your device you want to wake and it should work.

  • Dave
