转自: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/11176-gentoo-release/

ATTENTION: If you still have the old mediabrowser-server package installed be sure to switch to emby-server as 3.0.5572.0 will be the last update to this package! Also the library path for the emby-server package moved to /var/lib/emby-server!

Good news everyone! The linux package list for the server is growing! After the first debian/ubuntu package surfaced, now the gentoo package is on its way.

To use it fire up our all time favourite layman and add the overlay megacoffee:

layman -a megacoffee

Next up you should customize some options like file type support for imagemagick and ffmpeg to suit your needs by configuring use flags. Here's an example of suggested settings, you can put it as a file in /etc/portage/package.use/emby :

# this disables libgdiplus support in mono as we don't use it
dev-lang/mono minimal

# picture format support: jpeg, png and webp are needed, everything else is optional and may depend on your photos file formats
media-gfx/imagemagick jpeg jpeg2k png webp tiff

# the q8 setting is optional and speeds up image processing, if you have other tools using imagemagick you might want to disable this
media-gfx/imagemagick q8

# these are some basic ffmpeg runtime options that should always be enabled for performance reasons
media-video/ffmpeg vdpau vpx threads

# here you should define spport for all codecs you have in your video collection!
media-video/ffmpeg aac mp3 pic theora vorbis x264 xvid webp

After that you can install the package through

emerge -avND media-tv/emby-server

As the package depends on an version of mono that gentoo still consideres to be 'unstable' and the releases are fairly fresh, the packages are still architecture masked.

Architectures that should work are x86, amd64 and arm. I haven't been able to actually test the ebuild on ARM systems, so if you happen to have an ARM based gentoo box please drop me a line if it works all right. If you feel lucky you can also try this on any number of other architectures and let me know you have any problems.

Some things to know about the package:

If you are an inexperienced linux user and try to decide what kind of linux distro you want to use: do not use gentoo just because there is a emby package! Gentoo needs a good amount of time to correctly setup and grasp, so you propably will run into problems that you cannot fix on the first run, so be prepared! It will be installed to /opt/emby-server. The data directory defaults to /var/lib/emby-server but can be changed through the configuration in /etc/conf.d/emby-server.conf The newest mono release in the official tree is 3.2.8 and architecture masked. It is mostly stable though, so don't be shy to unmask it. If you want or need a more recent version use the overlay dotnet from the official layman list. The current recommendation is to use 3.10.0, as old versions have problems with SSL connections and 3.12.0 is a bit wonky on the stability side. If you already use an systemd enabled gentoo you won't have an init script ready for use (currently only the default OpenRC is supported here). Until I have been able to setup a test environment have a look at answer #9 in this thread. For more information about the overlay and contact options apart from this forum head over to http://gentoo-overlay.megacoffee.net/ Have fun and let me know if there are problems!

All ebuilds (including the dev ebuilds) have been updated and completed up to the current release.

I plan to provide updated ebuilds within a small amount of time from official releases so you should be covered.

For the dev (9999) ebuild: there will from time to time be problems with building it. As it builds the current in development snapshot this is to be expected.

If you plan to actually use mediabrowser and not just play around with it please refrain from using that ebuild!

yes the q8 problem is a bug in the current ebuild, it will be refreshed soon. Adding the q8 useflag is encouraged (speeds up image conversion), but not a necessity.

The codecs for ffmpeg depend on what media you are trying to use with emby. I deliberately didn't force any specific formats as long as emby itself doesn't need them, to avoid cluttering systems with codecs and other libraries that are not necessary. I will update the instructions to reflect those kind of pre-install changes though.

Q8 problem fixed, and updated first post with suggested use flag definitions. Have fun everyone! :)

As a heads up: in a future revision the default programData folder will move to /var/lib/!

Edit: revision 2 of the current release is up containing the folder move!
