最近在 linux 平台使用 truestudio 这样的基于 eclipse 二次开发的 IDE,发现编辑区会一直闪烁。经过一番搜索尝试之后,终于找到了解决的方法。

转自:http://www.riksoft.it/wikiriks/ide/eclipse-luna-speedup-and-fix-flickering https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41147840/eclipse-flickering-on-new-line

Eclipse Luna speed up and fix flickering

I used to work with Indigo and it was pretty good, but once in a while it's important to upgrade to have some new features so I was forced to install Luna.

First huge problem Try to move the editor tabs: everything disappear. The entire Window turn to gray (on Windows some experience it as black)

Second problem A lot of flickering everywhere, even on other windows not Eclipse related (e.g file manager, pluma, etc.).

Third problem Slow, slow slow. My i7 workstation can't scroll the editor properly. What do they expecty me to use? A Cray-X Mainframe?8-O When I use the down arrow, it's so slow that the keys are queued and I can't figure out when depressing the key to stop where I want to.

Solution Make a bash script like this one:

export SWT_GTK3=0
cd /opt/eclipse
./eclipse -showlocation

edit the launch icon of Eclipse to use that script instead of eclipse directly. Try it. No more flickering and good speed is back!

FIX the theme With the above modifications the gtk menu will look a bit messy. To fix it, go in window→preferenced→general→appearance and set classic theme and that's it!
